Kind words

Kind words and happy reactions from brides & grooms after they received their wedding images
by documentary wedding photographer Surrey,
Defining Moments Photography.


Dear Canoë,
Just looked at all the pictures,
we got the exact same feelings back as we experienced on our wedding day :)
So we re-lived everything!
WOW! They’re gorgeous! !

We’re gonna get on with the selection for the album now, though I already know it is going to be tough.

See you soon!

Mister & Misses Verdaas :)

✣ Kind words for Surrey wedding photographer from CHANTAL & MICHEL ✣


Dear Canoë,

On Saturday the postman FI-NAL-LY drove into the street with his little van!!!
The package was a treat, even just unwrapping it was an experience on its own!
Then we spent the rest of the afternoon looking at all the pictures… they are stunning! And every time that emotion… you capture that so well!!

Now the daunting task of selecting the images for the album lies ahead, so we’ll get back to you on that…!!

For now thank you so much, really wow! :):):)

I’ll be in touch soon!
Ashleigh & Renato

✣ Kind words for Surrey wedding photographer from ASHLEIGH & RENATO ✣


Hi Canoë,

Thank you so much for all the images. We have looked at all of them with so much pleasure and it is really cool to re-live the day again.

Thanks again, the pictures are beautiful!!!!

Love from Frans en Anita

✣ Kind words for Surrey wedding photographer from ANITA & FRANS ✣